World Hypertension Day – 17 October 2021
This World Hypertension Day, the iHEART-SA team, together with their community partners, organised and facilitated events to promote hypertension awareness. Both events were a great success in terms of cooperation, turn out, and participation.
World Hypertension Day Event – Esselen Clinic
The first event, which took place on the 15th October was done at Esselen Clinic in Johannesburg. Nurses from Ezintsha and Esselen clinic came together to offer blood pressure and blood glucose screenings, and when uncotrolled patients were identified they were immediately referred to clinic staff. In addition to screenings, they provided health information and education on hypertension outside of the clinic to clients.
(There was an additional event planned at Yeoville clinic that was cancelled due to weather.)
Photos from Esselen Clinic – World Hypertension Day event
Videos: Christina Choba discussing hypertension health information
Christina is a traditional healer and member of our Community Advisory Board.
Ezintsha Wellness Day 2021
The second event, was in collaboration with the Wellness Day at Ezintsha (29 October). Employees were offered health screenings, exercise classes, and prizes for participation in the days events.
Photos from Ezintsha Wellness Day 2021